I have a Bad Muscular Problem. 3 MB Views: 1. If there is no gap between the bottom of your foot and the floor, then you probably have foot pronation. With duck feet, you can AT BEST waddle like a bit and then fall over. In their normal alignment, your feet should be parallel with each other and pointing straight ahead. The back of the hip capsule may also be shortened. The Meniscus also helps the bones in our knee glide properly. Sounds like it may be due to over activity of your tibialis anterior or possibly extensor digitorum muscle. And a Bad gait. That machine tends to do Horizontal adduction as opposed to pure hip internal rotation. Many thanks for putting all this great & detailed info together!! In the Turned off Glutes section You say : “Turning the foot out reduces our ability to recruit our Glutes.” Could you explain this a little more as I would imagine that as the glute max is an external rotator of the femur it would be constantly on, just like the piriformis and the other deep lateral rotators of the hip, gemelli, quad fem etc. It resembles that but if I really really try I can force the ball of my foot downwards. If you spend enough time in this position, the body decides that this is it’s normal resting length. If we look deeper, we can see that the fibre orientation of the hip capsule is designed to help with this. Many people don’t consider duck feet a problem. Basically, yes. Sit down with your hip/knees bent at 90 degrees. Place your hamstrings on top of a massage ball/foam roller. (sitting with the knees out position). The duck breast has a darker color than the chicken breast. I have had significant pain in that one area for years. Our Job or Kids: Many of us have jobs that require us to stand for prolonged periods of time (i.e. This has stopped me from fitness my whole life and I’m tired of it. I never knew if this could be corrected. When a foot is flat, the Plantar Fascia becomes lengthened. It feels natural to have foot outward some. This in turn, helps maintain the arch of the foot. It could be related to the pelvis position perhaps? This may answer the question of why it’s usually the right foot that’s rotated outwards. This may not seem important, but as I have said before, the human body is very much like a house of cards. Maybe there is “no out.” If not, I will just have to live with it. Just my toes are turning outward, I went to a foot doctor who said he didn’t know about why my toes are turning out, and has never seen a issue like this? (… like a duck). Or are you talking about rotating the foot you are working on in the other direction which appears to be what the associated picture suggests. Whilst standing, locate the following land marks on your pelvis: If you have a Posterior pelvic tilt, the ASIS will be higher in comparison to the PSIS. Try to do the test mentioned in that section and you should be able to feel you can’t get as strong a contraction with your feet turned out. Let’s keep in touch! First of, what is the difference between externally rotated tibias as a result of genetics vs muscular imbalance, how do I find out which one I am dealing with? I thought I was cool when in 2011, after having not lifted for about a year since graduating high school, I attempted to squat 300lbs. Our bodies therefore, have to rely on other muscles and the elastic structure of our ligaments & joints. Hello, Hello, Mr. Wong! It's actually a lot simpler, less dangerous, and quite common – it's the tendency to stand and walk turning your feet outwards. At first glance, many would guess that men turn their hips/feet out out of ego. In general lines, what else could I do? If this has been ruled out, a short/stiff Bicep Femoris (one of the hamstring muscles at the back of the upper leg) can be one of the causes of this. If there is no pain, there is no problem! So here’s my question: should I give up my poor-posture squats until I fix my leg problems, or just start doing your recommended stretches / exercises at the same time as squats? 2) Yes – if you over shoot the internal rotation, you can end up with a knock knee presentation. And then encourage internal rotation of the hip. I know you might be busy, but please reply! It greatly affects the way he moves. The reproduction, distribution, display, or transmission of the content is strictly prohibited, unless authorized by PostureDirect. Afterwards my balance was off. (Like when i straighten left leg, the part under knees is slightly left, and above knees is towards middle of my body. If so – you may not see any significant improvements with increasing the control of those muscles you mentioned. I have been like this for quite some time now, maybe more than 10 years, but started to give it atention in the last 2 weeks unfortunatelly. I believe that the first step to correcting your posture is understanding more about what is actually going on. Bowed legs are so common among certain groups of people as to seem nearly universal. From my experience posture has the most important role and even the slightest variance can cause problems. Manspreading: This has been in the press quite a lot recently. I’d never really noticed them before, but then I saw that whenever I did a deep squat, my feet would turn outwards. My massage therapist says that my IT bands are very tight, and I have soreness in my hip area which I think is is tightness in my TFLs (I’ve never had it diagnosed but it seems like the right location). For a brief while I was 2 inches shorter. These muscles now also don’t have to work as hard as more of the foot is now resting on the ground. Attachments. Great post. The entire length of shoe. You’re truly great at what you do! In conclusion, the author of this book should do some mo Although this book is par for the course for a picture book, it unintentionally underminds the advantages of Ostrich feet. i have had duck feet for awhile but did not think nothing of it until now. The Dysfunctional Mechanics of Duck Feet. What type of therapist should we see about these types of issues? she had no further bother with that thing but now she is an adult she has v bad problems with her spine, neck, wrists, knees – generally everywhere achey and stiff – Rippetoe recommends for all a shoulder width stance (more seems impossible due to my hips), pointing the feet out 15 to 30 degrees – ok, natural for duckfooted me. Sometimes it’s not so bad, but today it was, after this past week of a higher intensity of exercise. Once you have got rid of the cause, you need clean up the mess that is left over. Or does the foot deviate as well? I have seen worse. Please try and answer it, I will be really grateful! Rocky – so how did you fix your situation? She told me she felt like a 90 year old woman. A couple of years ago I saw a back therapist who deep massaged my back, hips and buttocks. When sleeping sleep on your side. When the foot is rotated outwards, the arch is flattened. Everything I’ve read would assume you are more likely to have duck feet with a posterior tilt Thanks a heap, Hello Mark I am new here, but I read a few of the articles and my I really liked your blog. New lease on life, whether they are 20 years old or 75 years old. Before we break down what’s happening in specific areas, I think it’s important to look at the body as a whole. Thank you so much for the work you’ve put into this. I am female and both of my feet point out when I stand, walk and when I lie down. The whole system, from foot to hip, works like a tightening rope. 5. It sounds like you have made some great gains at the gym already and I would encourage you to keep going with what you’re doing.