in the pineapple literature, P. cinnamomi Rands and Phytophthora palmivora (Butler) Butler. Ganoderma sp. 3. Bigleaf Maple. 11. Verticillium wilt of maple. Stand symptoms: Disease “pockets” ... Heart rot decay is a major cause of stem failure! - White Heart Rot; cross section of an affected limb showing the rotted heart-wood, the black lines and at the right a young fruit - body of the pathogene. The causal pathogene, Fomes igniarius, is one of the pore-bearing basidiomycetous fungi. Fig. Heart rot can be caused by Phytophthora nicotianae B. de Haan var. Agent Occurrence (%) Armillaria spp. Fig. Heart disease is a collection of diseases and conditions that cause cardiovascular problems. - Fruiting body of the white Heart Rot pathogene. spp. Each type of heart disease is caused by something entirely unique to that condition. Definition Heart rot is a disease symptom characterized by extensive necrosis and decay in the heart of a plant. 21. Inonotus dryophilus on Emory oak.. Symptoms/Signs: Oaks are host to many heartwood decay fungi. Verticillium. Waterh., frequently called Phytophthora parasitica Dast. parasitica Dast. Internal streaking in the sapwood . 20. Cause Of White Heart Rot. Hosts: Oaks Figure 206. is typical of wilt infection. Foliar symptoms (wliting and death of heart leaves) of coconut heart rot disease on coconut (Cocos nucifera) palm, caused by the plant pathogen, Phytophthora katsurae. Two of the most common are Inonotus dryophilus and Phellinus everhartii.The former produces an annual fruiting body that degrades quickly following spore dispersal, while the latter produces a perennial fruiting body (conk) that grows a fresh sporulation layer every year. Heart-rot symptoms are the same, regardless of the Phytophthora species causing them.