How is global warming affecting wildlife? How is studying the microbiome of the planet going to be important to environmental studies? How has business etiquette changed in the past few years? In our life new problems, events, phenomena and processes occur every day. What is "flattening the curve?" How will organic lead halide perovskites affect photovoltaics? 3. By the way, you can further specify these topics to relate to a particular country or place. 2. What is the best type of homemade face mask? Is it appropriate to fine parents for skipping vaccination? Does beauty, in general, determine how much a person will be successful in life? 4. Do lockdowns help reduce coronavirus transmission? What causes the change in the temperature at the poles? Remember that successful topics are relevant and interesting research topics for college students. How can nurses be involved in the fight against human trafficking? What kind of fertilizer is the least harmful to the environment (you can narrow this question to discuss a specific agricultural crop)? Usually, after about 15 minutes of looking at what is available on that topic, you will discover that one of the topics you've chosen is more interesting, or has more information easily available. This can come as a challenge to students who need to present different ideas in a manner that is concise, well written and succinct. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on June 15, 2017: Hi Gaea and Meeme, I'm not exactly sure what you are looking for in applied science but you might want to check out my science fair experiments or else look at my topics regarding technology topics. Answer: A good way to find some specific research topics is to look at non-profits who sponsor research in that area. If you skip this step, you might end up putting yourself under a lot of pressure to meet the due date of the research essay, topics, research paper submissions. I wanted to write a research about human psychology. I would want to tackle the problem of raising awareness in mental health. How can we reduce the use of pesticides most effectively? Can improving sleep help the memory of Alzheimer's patients? 3. How is plastic ocean pollution harming the oxygen we breathe? on December 05, 2017: I need this for my science and research class. 3. What are the pros and cons of antipsychotics? How can underrepresented groups be best encouraged to be math majors in college? Then they should start doing a bit of Google searching to find out more. How can synthetic chemistry help discover new drugs? How can parents be better informed about problems in mental health in their children? How does sleep deprivation affect health? Should we use nanobots to produce and deliver drugs to human patients? Did Andy Warhol manage to make high art more accessible to a wider audience? How are terrorist attacks in religious buildings affecting religion? City development: should we keep the grid pattern or move to the new approaches to city planning? What are the best techniques to change crops to become more drought resistant? How can natural products be used in the treatment of diabetes? Can you help me? Can molecular biological research of rare genetic disorders help provide keys to understanding cancer and other illnesses? Can amusement parks have an educative purpose apart from an entertaining one? What solution keeps flowers fresh the longest? Question: What do you think of the topic, What are the physics of a marching snare drum?" Question: Can you suggest some research topics in regards to civil engineering? If you don't find a topic here, you might want to look at: 100 Technology Paper Topics for Research Papers. Should disposable products be banned or limited? Is there a way to stop sex trafficking in underdeveloped countries? How to lower blood pressure using natural medicines and herbs? How will private space flight companies change the development of space resources? Is it beneficial or harmful for wild animals to have interactions with people? What are the main symptoms of PCOS and how to deal with them? What is organic farming? Answer: 1. if you could help I would really appreciate it. Is it a good idea that the U.S. has approved the release of. How will self-driving cars change the way people live? Or make a suggestion for an essay topic about biology? How can an average person contribute to saving the environment? Why more expensive sports like rowing and tennis should be more accessible to social and ethnic minorities? How are old recordings converted to new formats? I ask them to read, summarize and respond to the article. Or help best in natural disaster recovery? This is where you need to think hard about what your work will be focused on and what other people might find thought-provoking. 2. Answer: No single topic is the easiest to do for everyone. Why doesn't rising global food production feed people who are hungry? What is the mechanism of how music affects the brain? for a science research paper? Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on April 16, 2018: Hi Alex, you could research about the ecology of mangroves, how they are being affected by rising seas, or what is being done to preserve them. Top 10 Trending Research Topics to Write About Writing a research paper is a common requirement for any student in high school, college, and university. Question: Is there any research topic related to finance and marketing? Is the desktop nanofabrication tool a viable option for low-cost, easy nanotechnology? How knock-out mice work. Question: What are some interesting topic ideas about astronomy and physics? 2. 5. ", "Are there other planets that support life? If you are actually doing a science experiment and not just a research paper, I have a lot of different step-by-step experiments too. 2. What would be a good project for science research class? You can find them by going to my profile page. (see, What is the molecular evidence that humans once. Why do scientists think that COVID-19 came from bats? Is there such a thing as social media addiction? They all need a project on something. hi ,i am so much intrested in doing research on an intresting topic thatsy i have selected the topic related to nano materials.can any one give an idea how to approach in the topic related to nanomaterials. How can machine learning be integrated best into predictive simulation? Thanks Donna--I find topics by looking at recent science research. Where and when did COVID-19 start to infect humans? Who are the greatest businessmen in the 21, Who are the greatest businesswomen in the 21. Can you make a suggestion? Are nanofibers the answer to repairing spinal cord and brain injuries? How can child welfare in underdeveloped countries be assured? Question: I am a grade 12 STEM strand student and I am having a difficult time finding a suitable investigatory project title regarding how to ease the effects of global warming. How does stress affect the heart? Are chemicals from pharmaceuticals ending up in our water supply? Additionally, I've written several articles on Alzheimer's and dementia that you might want to look at, you can find them by Googling "Alzheimer's" and "VirginiaLynne on HealDove". Five important signs of mental illness to be aware of. What is "herd immunity" and how can that be developed for a virus? Great thanks alot. 5. An extensive scientific research and proper topic ideas for academic paper are the steps that define the whole process. What is "Dark Matter" and why is it important? Why? What are 5 ways an ordinary person can help the environment? What are some proofs of period alignment? How to prevent an increase in the number of homeless children? Why do we talk and act like we are drunk when we become exhausted? How can metal oxides improve cell phones? or the hypothesis. Most students feel highly stressed and anxious about their assignments and exams that most of them feel lost and don’t even know how to choose the most appropriate topic for papers that would suit their writing style as well. What are nursing measures that can help patients control high blood pressure? Is personalized medicine based on our own genome the wave of the future? All of it are interesting. When is cancer screening most useful, effective or preventative? Are microbes that create chemicals and antibiotics going to help us prevent infections? I almost checked all the topics but I couldn't choose one because the topics were difficult for me to discuss on them. Once you managed to decide which topic might be of your interest, you should check available materials you could use to foster your research. What causes people to be at high risk for complications from COVID-19? How did Greece become such a philosophical hotspot in ancient times? Do campaigns to raise awareness about mental health issues actually help people be healthier emotionally? Do doctors rely too much on expensive medical imaging technologies? Which vaccines are most valuable for the health of (chicken, goats or poultry)? You can have your students use my article here and my technology article to get a start. 2. Question: I'm a grade 9 student preparing for my grade 10 research project. Could you please suggest some topics for the both of us? Answer: Generally, I tell my students to narrow their choice to two or three topic questions that interest them the most. We'd also greatly appreciate suggestions coming from the fellow readers. I would like some more tips for my students in my class. Question: I plan to use the flip method to do research, but I am struggling. 2. 4. How can research on hydrophobic-hydrophilic surfaces help create chemical coatings and how would these be best used? Question: I am interested in starting a STEM Capstone course at my high school. Or you can pick a specific one to talk about. Research Paper Topics By Subject. The most crucial first step is understanding what is required by your instructor or mentor. What improvements in dentistry marked the 21. If you could turn into an animal, which one would you choose to be? How can people in finance help new technologies be used in poorer countries? Discuss the reliability of the COPE index. How is Islamic banking system different from interest? What other common sayings such as “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” exist in your language? Explain the role of nurses in helping reduce drug dependence. What does it mean when jury rules that Bayer must pay in the Monsanto cancer trial? Does (natural remedy which is trendy) really help improve skin? How can nanotechnologies help us clean up toxic waste? Would you be willing to donate your body to science after you die? Does Ecotourism help save endangered animals? I am interested in topics related to the five senses. hi love the articles but Im doing a lab that the title is: will a flower grow faster and more efficiently in cold or hot water but I don't know that purpose is? What developments in nanotechnology are currently being made for medical applications? What technologies are in development to help people who are paralyzed? How can we solve the problem of "space junk"? Answer: I think your question could be clearer: 1. Can you give me some topics that would be helpful to me? You can research what real-world problems farmers have in your area and design an experiment to test some aspect of growing seeds or plants that relate to their problem. I need a cool topic about physical science, can you help?