This requires strategic thinking and practical coordination across levels and branches of government. Open Data Essentials, Starting an Open Data Initiative,Technology Options, Demand & Engagement, Supply & Quality of Data, Readiness Assessment Tool, and Technical Assistance and Funding. 91c GG eine Nationale E-Government-Strategie (NEGS) beschlossen. The publisher's main website also contains other resources for online communication. The publication of open government data reinforces transparency, participation and innovation in all sectors of society. We know that the open government community is looking for ways to help and to share what has worked for them. Dabei geht es strategisch darum, ein nachhaltiges Zusammenwirken von Land und Kommunen abzustimmen; operativ geht es darum, die richtigen Maßnahmen zur Umsetzung von Open.NRW zu identifizieren und zu begleiten. The software includes contact management, issue tracking, crowdsourcing, election monitoring, open data, and petition development tools. Our latest report is below. Open Government initiatives should not exist in isolation. We'll use these pages to keep you informed of our work to implement the Digital Government Strategy. The “Open government data strategy in Switzerland for the period 2019 to 2023” was approved on 30 November 2018 by the Federal Council. A hands-on resource that provides practical advice, guidance, and an 8-phase process from concept development to implementation for building an open government program, with each step referencing principles, lessons learned, case studies, and a checklist for determining whether you are at the right phase. This is important, not least because the main purpose of the OGP initiative is to promote a mindset of openness in the public sector. Their approach is bottom-up and participatory, which the publishers call "citizen sensing." This resource is developed by and for open government influencers - civil servants and civil society representatives seeking to collaboratively make governance processes transparent, participatory and accountable. DemTools is a suite of free, open source software solutions developed by NDITech and distributed for supporting democracy building efforts around the world. An associated DemTools Guide Book offers an overview of each of the suite of tools, including use cases, user consideration, technical specifications, security considerations, languages/translations, the type of support offered by the publisher, instructions for deploying and hosting the tools and case studies of the tools in practice. Each tool contains instructions: purpose, prerequisites, who to involve, difficulty, time-frame, and step-by-step guidance. A whole-of-government approach is needed to ensure the widest possible impact. Open Government Strategy. A taxonomy for browsing research by type of innovation, objective, region, sector or tool; A whole-of-government approach is needed to ensure the widest possible impact. The publisher also offers free and paid hosting service and technical support, but some resources and expertise will be required of the user for setup and ongoing maintenance of the tools. Based on that experience, the publisher developed a framework and methods and tools for citizen participation in environmental monitoring and action. The Collective Action Toolkit (2nd edition) is a set of activities and methods that enables groups of people anywhere to organize, collaborate, and create solutions for problems affecting their community. It is organised by techniwues, strategies, examples, and (user generated) questions. For each method, step-by-step instructions are given, in addition to the time, roles, and materials needed. The term data collaborative refers to a new form of collaboration, beyond the public-private partnership model, in which participants from different sectors — including private companies, research institutions, and government agencies — can exchange data to help solve public problems. This resource describes open government good practices and presents them to encourage further adoption and innovation. Open government reforms should thus be conceived as a whole- of-government approach to ensure the widest possible impact … … It is designed as a social network and includes use cases and tool "collections," technical criteria informed by the community and recommendations based on the experience of users that have already implemented existing solutions. The resource is comprised seven sections: Creating the Open Data Portal to make government data easily and publicly available 2. Open Government initiatives should not exist in isolation. It is indeed a critical policy area for the achievement of a number of different policy outcomes in diverse domains. Hessen wird eine Open-Government-Strategie entwickeln, um die Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten der Bürgerinnen und Bürger an politischen Entscheidungsprozessen zu stärken und wichtige Verwaltungsdaten digital verfügbar zu machen. The toolkit is available in English, Chinese, French, and Spanish. Das hessische Datenschutz- und Informationsfreiheitsgesetz aus dem Jahr 2018 bildet hier eine gesetzliche Grundlage. The goals of the publisher and platform are to: