How do I manage API access tokens as an instructor? If you need help linking Pages to text, check out this Canvas tutorial: How do I link to other Canvas pages in a course? How do I use Chrome's speech recognition feature to leave a comment in SpeedGrader? How do I subscribe to the Announcements RSS feed as an instructor? How do I view user details for an enrollment in a course? Use Canva's drag-and-drop feature and layouts to design, share and print business cards, logos, presentations and more. How do I share an item bank in New Quizzes? How do I mark discussion replies as read or unread as an instructor? How do I deactivate an enrollment in a course? How do I align an outcome to an assessment in New Quizzes? How do I change the settings in my user account as an instructor? How do I import content from Angel into Canvas? How do I create a file link in a page in a course? But we can create a table using alternate methods. How do I create a Multiple Answers quiz question? How do I add an assignment group in a course? How do I use Roll Call Attendance badges in a course? How do I view user details for an enrollment in a course? How do I publish or unpublish an assignment as an instructor? Click "Ok". Switch back to the HTML editor and search for your header(s) within the HTML code. What types of document and media files can be shared to Commons? How do I add or edit points for an assignment? How do I delete a course as an instructor? How do I preview an assessment in New Quizzes? The image below is what your code should look like after you paste and replace your header with Code (c). (workaround). How do I view registered services for all users in a course? What types of media files can I upload in Canvas as an instructor? How do I configure an external app for a course using XML? How can I require students to reply to a course discussion before they see other replies? How do I create Likert scale quiz questions? How do I hide grade distribution scoring details from students? Add (or copy and paste) your Syllabus into the Syllabus Page. How do I delete a collaboration as an instructor? How do I set usage rights and user access for a course file? How do I delete an announcement in a course? How do I use the People page in a course as an instructor? How do I send an announcement to another instructor? Zoom: Screenshot of Syllabus with Table of Contents, Zoom: Table of contents with default headers, Copy/Reuse Existing Moodle Course Request Form, Cross-list (aka META) Course Request Form. How do I allow a page to be a MasteryPath module item? How do I delay posting a discussion until a specified date in a course? How do I create an Ordering question in New Quizzes? How do I remove an enrollment from a course? How do I create a True or False question in New Quizzes? How do I import content from Blackboard 6/7/8/9 into Canvas? 2. How do I import SCORM files as an assignment? Click at the top of your table to type a caption for the table. How do I create a hyperlink in the Rich Content Editor as an instructor? Use the CSS border property to define a border. How do I reply to a discussion as an instructor? How do I copy content from another Canvas course? How do I view the history of a page in a course? How do I use the outcomes page in a course? How do I allow students to like replies in a course announcement? How do I make my ePortfolio public as an instructor? Creating a table of content using Pages can help break up a long page of text and make it easier to navigate. How do I view the MasteryPaths range breakdown results for an assignment? How do I align an outcome with a question bank? How do I restrict files and folders to students in Canvas? How do I upload and embed media from an external source in the New Rich Content Editor? How do I move outcomes and outcome groups in a course? Now, resize the shape to the cell dimensions you require. How do I conclude a course at the end of a term? How do I use inline Chat as an instructor? How do I arrange columns in the Gradebook? How do I create a cloud assignment with a Microsoft Office 365 file? How do I access the Canvas test environment as an instructor? How do I automatically assign students to groups? How do I view weekly online activity analytics in an interactive chart graph in New Analytics? How do I sort and display student data in the Gradebook? (External Tool Method). How do I create a new ePortfolio as an instructor? How do I use the Calendar as an instructor? How do I add an additional email address as a contact method in Canvas as an instructor? How do I view the Unpublished Assignments column in the Gradebook? How do I reply to submission comments in the Inbox as an instructor? To Pivot a list of data, go to Tools Pivot Query Designer; Decide what you want to measure (drag into the white area of the workspace). How do I grade group assignments in SpeedGrader? How do I like a reply in a course discussion as an instructor? Under Connect to a SharePoint site, type or paste the URL for your SharePoint Online site, and then select Go. What are the differences between Groups and Sections? How do I publish final grades for a moderated assignment? How do I edit the Roll Call Attendance assignment? How do I assign a graded discussion to a course section? How do I import Thin Common Cartridge files as separate modules? How do I upload ZIP files as an instructor? How do I show recent announcements in the Course Home Page? How do I add assessment accommodations for a student in New Quizzes? How do I add a grading scheme in a course? How can I use Canvas on my mobile device as an instructor? How do I assign a graded discussion to an individual student? How do I add new people to an existing conversation as an instructor? How do I allow students to like replies in a course announcement? How do I add a personal reminder to the Calendar as an instructor? How do I grade Turnitin assignments in SpeedGrader? How do I view grades for inactive or concluded student enrollments in the Gradebook? How do I add a profile picture in my user account as an instructor? How do I send a message to my students from the Gradebook? How do I create a quiz with a question group to randomize quiz questions? How do I Create a Table of Contents with HTML in Canvas? How do I view analytics for an individual student in New Analytics? How do I unbookmark a question bank in a course? What is the difference between assignment due dates and availability dates? How do I import content from Common Cartridge into Canvas? Under Make your own app, hover over Start from data, and then select Make this app.. On the SharePoint tile, select Phone layout.. With the Connect directly option selected, select Create.. How do I add Slack as a contact method in Canvas as an instructor? Go to the side bar and select ‘Elements ’ → Square. How do I Use the HSU Canvas Course Templates? How do I use the To Do list and sidebar in the Dashboard as an instructor? How do I manage video options in the New Rich Content Editor as an instructor? How do I download a single file as an instructor? Select Table properties and check "caption". How do I import and view a Commons resource in Canvas? How do I embed a YouTube video in a content page? How do I upload a file or image to my ePortfolio page as an instructor? How do I create a cloud assignment with a Microsoft Office 365 file? How do I hide or post assignment grades in SpeedGrader? How do I import quizzes from QTI packages? How do I create a new ePortfolio section as an instructor? How Do I Export and Import Course Material? How do I use free-form comments instead of ratings in a rubric in SpeedGrader? How do I create a Matching quiz question? How do I import content from Bb Vista/CE, WebCT 6+ into Canvas? How do I retrieve assignments from previous courses in my ePortfolio as an instructor? How do I view differentiated assignments with different due dates in a course? How do I add and duplicate an event in the Calendar as an instructor? How do I upload a PDF to a page in a course? How do I customize visibility options for course content? How do I view grading schemes in a course? How do I add a grading scheme in a course? How do I compare the course average chart graph with an assignment, section, or student filter in New Analytics? How do I use the Dashboard as an instructor? How do I view and sort announcement replies as an instructor? How do I use the Learning Mastery Gradebook to view outcome results in a course from the Gradebook? Create a Canvas app from Excel in PowerApps. How do I create a Microsoft Office 365 collaboration as an instructor? What are the different states of a Canvas course? To fix this, instead of pressing just Enter, press Shift+Enter. How do I add captions to new or uploaded videos in the New Rich Content Editor in Canvas as an instructor? Once I publish a quiz, how can I give my students extra attempts? How do I add a profile picture in my user account as an instructor? How do I filter conversations as an instructor? Instructor Checklist to Creating Your Canvas Course. How do I use the student list to view student submissions in SpeedGrader? As you can see in the image bellow, your syllabus editor will show the pages you've created in the right hand side. 1. Type each header out either at the top of your syllabus or in a table. How do I use modules to view the progress of students in a course? How do I view a user's profile in a course as an instructor? How do I customize visibility options for course content? Switch back to Rich Content Editor. How do I create a peer review discussion? How do I limit submission attempts for an assignment? Instructions Click the Table icon in the toolbar. How do I automatically create groups in a group set? How do I create a Text (no question) quiz question? How do I add all items or a random set from an item bank to an assessment in New Quizzes? Now create your anchor by replacing the tag "firstheader" with the name of your header but in one word. How do I use the Announcements Index Page? What types of document and media files can be shared to Commons? How do I send a message to all students based on specific course criteria in New Analytics? How do I organize my ePortfolio pages as an instructor? How do I import HSU GEAR Outcomes into my course? What assignment types can I create in a course? How do I change the color for a grading status in the Gradebook? How do I create a Fill-in-Multiple-Blanks quiz question? How do I add an external URL as a module item? How do I move outcomes and outcome groups in a course? How do I log in to Canvas as an instructor? Any Numerical Data can be plotted on the Canvas as Graph using Data Plots. How do I record a video using Flash in the Rich Content Editor as an instructor? The "First Header" text is what will be replaced with your own header's names. How do I add captions to new or uploaded videos in Canvas as an instructor? How do I restrict students from viewing assessment results in New Quizzes? Steps to Creating a Table of Contents in a Syllabus Step 1: Adding Syllabus Add (or copy and paste) your Syllabus into the Syllabus Page. How do I move a student into a different group? The reason is that painting on canvas is quite expensive and the browser can do some performance tuning on CSS. How do I get to SpeedGrader from an assignment, quiz, or graded discussion? How do I set up a graded discussion to be sent to my institution's student information system (SIS)? How do I select a grade posting policy for an assignment in the Gradebook? How do I create an assignment shell in an assignment group? How can I share a private ePortfolio as an instructor? How do I enable course self-enrollment with a join code or secret URL? How Do I Style my Course with HTML Style Codes? Use the HTML element to define a table heading. How do I use the Course Home Page as an instructor? How do I leave comments for students in the Gradebook? How do I manually assign peer reviews for an assignment? How do I hide student names in SpeedGrader? What feature options are currently available for Canvas courses? How do I restore to an earlier version of a Canvas page? 3. How do I configure a manual entry external app for a course? How do I view my Microsoft Office 365 files in Canvas as an instructor? How do I sync course content in a blueprint course as an instructor? Highlight the … How do I allow a page to be a MasteryPath module item? How do I bookmark a question bank in a course? What assignment types can I create in a course? How do I create an assignment shell in an assignment group? How do I send a message to an individual student based on specific course participation criteria in New Analytics? How do I delay posting an announcement until a specific date in a course? How do I upload a video using the Rich Content Editor as an instructor? Copy/Reuse Existing Moodle Course Request Form, Cross-list (aka META) Course Request Form. How do I add a YouTube video to my Canvas course? How do I preview a file as an instructor? How do I use Chrome's speech recognition feature to leave a comment in SpeedGrader? How do I sign up for a new Free-for-Teacher Canvas account as an instructor? How do I duplicate a discussion in a course? How do I use the Microsoft Immersive Reader when viewing a page as an instructor? How do I change the start and end dates for a course section as an instructor? How do I import a Canvas course export package? How do I edit sections for an enrollment in a course? How do I upload and embed an image in the New Rich Content Editor as an instructor? How do I view all aligned items and artifacts within an outcome? How do I add an item from an item bank to an assessment in New Quizzes? How do I create a Multiple Answer question in New Quizzes? How do I view captions in a video as an instructor? You will need to know how to edit pages using HTML. How do I create a Table of Contents using Pages in Canvas? How do I view practice quiz results in a course? How do I use the Course Activity Stream as an instructor? How do I add a Scheduler appointment group in a course calendar? How do I configure an external app for a course using a client ID? How do I adjust the point value for an entire quiz using fudge points in SpeedGrader? How do I reset my password as an instructor? Once I publish a quiz, what kinds of quiz statistics are available? How do I move or copy a question from one item bank to another in New Quizzes? How do I use the Accessibility Checker in the New Rich Content Editor as an instructor? How do I subscribe to the Announcements RSS feed as an instructor? How do I reorder questions or question groups in a quiz? How do I assign a student leader to a group? How do I create a Simple Formula quiz question? How do I record audio using Flash in the Rich Content Editor as an instructor? How do I upload ZIP files as an instructor? How do I copy an announcement to another course? What are the differences between Groups and Sections? How do I view and sort discussion replies as an instructor? How do I add new people to an existing conversation as an instructor? How do I manually assign students to groups? How do I sort the student list in SpeedGrader? How do I duplicate a New Quizzes assessment? How do I conclude an enrollment in a course? How do I embed a Guides lesson inside a Canvas course? How do I record media using the New Rich Content Editor as an instructor? in Canvas? To quickly search your code, select (for MAC) command+f, (for PC) control+f to bring up the document search; type in the header you're looking for. How do I prevent students from switching groups in self sign-up groups? How do I regrade an assessment question in New Quizzes? How do I reset my password as an instructor? Simply go to “Elements” and choose a square or rectangle. How do I edit or delete an outcome in a course? How do I create a quiz with individual questions? How do I restrict student access to a course before or after the course dates? How do I publish or unpublish a discussion as an instructor? How do I import an assessment from a QTI package in New Quizzes? Can a student resubmit Canvas assignments? Next delete the text "First Header" within Code (b), then type in your own header in that same spot. Select the header in the table of contents then select the corresponding page to create the link. How do I add annotated comments in student submissions using DocViewer in SpeedGrader? How do I download all student submissions for an assignment in the Gradebook? How do I use the Roll Call Attendance tool in a course? How do I view the course access report for an individual student? How do I assign a graded discussion to an individual student? How do I sort the student list in SpeedGrader? How do I move or copy a question from one item bank to another in New Quizzes? How do I view weekly online activity analytics in a data table in New Analytics? How do I attach a file to a message as an instructor? How do I enter and edit grades in SpeedGrader? How do I add an assignment using an external app? How do I moderate a student's assessment attempt in New Quizzes? How do I use the HTML view in the New Rich Content Editor as an instructor? Learn how to create a Table of Contents in Canvas by using Pages. How do I create a Hot Spot question in New Quizzes? How do I reorder questions or question groups in a quiz? How do I add captions to new or uploaded videos in the New Rich Content Editor in Canvas as an instructor? How do I add annotated comments in student submissions using DocViewer in SpeedGrader? How do I link to a YouTube video in a discussion reply as an instructor? How do I send an assignment to another instructor? How do I configure an external app for a course using XML? How do I Use the HSU Canvas Course Templates? Use the HTML | element to define a table data. How do I restore pages, discussions, etc. How do I view enrollments in a course section? How do I create a quiz with a question group linked to a question bank? How do I delete a course as an instructor? How do I link to a YouTube video in a discussion reply as an instructor? How do I mark discussion replies as read or unread as an instructor? How do I create a roll call seating chart using the Attendance tool? How do I view a user's profile in a course as an instructor? How do I privately respond to one individual in a group message as an instructor? How do I view the history of all Gradebook changes in a course? How do I use the Canvas Welcome Tour as an instructor? How do I use the Microsoft Immersive Reader when viewing a page as an instructor? How do I manage video options in the New Rich Content Editor as an instructor? How do I publish or unpublish a discussion as an instructor? How do I view the Calendar iCal feed to subscribe to an external calendar as an instructor? How do I enter grades for an individual assignment as a specific grading type in the Gradebook? How do I download the contents of my ePortfolio as an instructor? How do I send a message to all students based on specific course criteria in New Analytics? How do I compare the weekly online activity data table with a section or student filter in New Analytics? 1. What External Apps are Available for Use in Canvas? How do I create assignment columns for non-submission assignments in the Gradebook? How do I view updates to resources I previously imported from Commons? How do I create a Categorization question in New Quizzes? How do I import SCORM files as an assignment? How do I duplicate a New Quizzes assessment? How do I create a hyperlink or embed a file from Google Drive into the Rich Content Editor as an instructor? How do I send a message to all students based on specific course participation criteria in New Analytics? Make a Tablecloth from a Canvas Drop Cloth Dress your dining room table in style without breaking the bank. How do I move and organize my files as an instructor? How do I regrade an assessment question in New Quizzes? How do I embed an image in a discussion reply as an instructor? in Canvas? How do I link to a YouTube video in the New Rich Content Editor as an instructor? How do I manage content shared to me from other users? How do I view the MasteryPaths range breakdown results for an assignment? How do I view my favorite courses in the Card View Dashboard as an instructor? How do I like a reply in a course discussion as an instructor? How do I remove an enrollment from a course? How do I view and sort discussion replies as an instructor? How do I accept an invitation to join a Canvas course as an instructor? How do I reorder courses on my Dashboard? How do I change my default email address in my user account as an instructor? How do I regrade a Multiple Answers quiz question? How do I view outcomes or student results individually in the Learning Mastery Gradebook? How do I make my ePortfolio public as an instructor? How do I create a discussion as an instructor? How do I attach a file to an announcement in a course? How do I add HTML/embedded content to my ePortfolio page as an instructor? How do I limit a user to only interact with other users in the same course section? How do I add a web resource to my course navigation menu? How do I set a time zone in my user account as an instructor? How do I embed iFrame videos using the Rich Content Editor? How do I resend student invitations to a course? How do I enable a grading scheme for a course? How do I regrade a True/False quiz question? How do I reply to submission comments in the Inbox as an instructor? Once I publish a quiz, how do I make additional changes? How do I configure an external app for a course using a URL? How do I connect to web services outside of Canvas as an instructor? My General Answer Comments were Lost when Copied over from Question Bank. How do I view and download reports in New Analytics? 2. How do I create a hyperlink from Microsoft Office 365 in the New Rich Content Editor as an instructor? How do I add an item from an item bank to an assessment in New Quizzes? Use the HTML element to define a table. What feature options are currently available for Canvas courses? How do I leave feedback comments for student submissions in SpeedGrader? How do I view the Global Announcements page as an instructor? How do I create an assessment using New Quizzes? For this tutorial we will be using “First Header” as the example. What feature options can I enable in my user account as an instructor? Attach the open side of the hinges to the canvas print and the wall! How do I create a Google Drive collaboration as an instructor? How do I use grading schemes in a course? How do I reorder courses on my Dashboard? How do I use the Total column in the Gradebook? How do I access the Canvas test environment as an instructor? How do I assign a conditional assignment for students to complete in MasteryPaths? How do I view a summary of all my student interactions in a course? How do I sync grades to Infinite Campus in the Gradebook? How do I manually create groups in a group set? How do I view a QR code to log in to the Canvas mobile apps as an instructor? Follow this guide for help with adding a Syllabus. How do I view my user files as an instructor? How do I preview a page in my ePortfolio as an instructor? How do I send a discussion to another instructor? How do I moderate a student's assessment attempt in New Quizzes? How do I view and download reports in New Analytics? How do I prevent students from switching groups in self sign-up groups? How do I copy a module item to another course? How do I create outcome groups for a course? How do I create a Multiple Choice quiz question? How do I align an outcome with a rubric in a course? How do I assign a graded discussion to a course group? How Do I Style my Course with HTML Style Codes? How do I move/copy a question from one question bank to another? How do I weight the final course grade based on assignment groups? How do I set up an assignment to be sent to my institution's student information system (SIS)? How do I grade a text entry submission in SpeedGrader? How do I add rich text content to my ePortfolio page as an instructor? How do I link to other Canvas pages in a course? Click the square once to bring it up onto your template. How do I like a reply in a course announcement as an instructor? How do I view grading periods in a course? How do I use the Rich Content Editor in New Quizzes? How do I view all aligned items and artifacts within an outcome? How do I delete a New Quizzes assessment? How do I view the sync history for a blueprint course as an instructor? How do I edit an assessment in New Quizzes? How do I upload and embed a media file from my computer in the New Rich Content Editor as an instructor? How do I create a Matching question in New Quizzes? How do I edit the Roll Call Attendance assignment? How do I log out of Canvas as an instructor? How do I delete a message from a conversation as an instructor? How do I deactivate an enrollment in a course? Once I publish a quiz, how do I use the Moderate Quiz page? How do I archive a conversation as an instructor? How do I take roll call using the Attendance tool? How do I log out of Canvas as an instructor? 2. Go to Syllabus, then Edit to paste or create … How do I enable the high contrast user interface as an instructor? Once I publish a quiz, what kinds of quiz statistics are available? How do I edit the default page in my ePortfolio section as an instructor? Navigate to your Kibana instance; Click on the “Canvas” tab in the sidebar; Click “Create workpad” Give the new workpad a unique name; Create a Data Table element. How do I download all student submissions for an assignment? How do I add rich text content to my ePortfolio page as an instructor? How do I reply to an announcement as an instructor? How do I attach a media comment to a message as an instructor? How do I create a File Upload quiz question? How do I upload an audio file using the Rich Content Editor? Bingo! How do I Create a Table of Contents with HTML in Canvas? How do I move and organize my files as an instructor? How do I edit an assessment in New Quizzes? Once I publish a quiz, how can I give my students extra attempts? How do I import a Canvas course export package? How do I create a Multiple Choice question in New Quizzes? How do I allow students to create their own student groups? How do I create a new ePortfolio section as an instructor? How do I embed images from Flickr Creative Commons in the Rich Content Editor? How do I import the Transformational Course Redesign Workshop from Canvas Commons? What options can I use to regrade a quiz in a course? How do I embed images from Canvas into the New Rich Content Editor as an instructor? How do I embed images from Canvas into the Rich Content Editor? How do I add feedback to an assessment question in New Quizzes? How do I restrict student access to a course before or after the course dates? How do I create a Text (no question) quiz question? How do I grade a website URL submission in SpeedGrader? How do I add content to an item bank in New Quizzes? How do I create a File Upload assessment question using New Quizzes? How do I view the Global Announcements page as an instructor? How do I delay posting a discussion until a specified date in a course? How do I set a default grade for an assignment? The first thing we need to do is create a workpad, and then add a data table with our data. How do I create a Fill-in-the-Blank quiz question? It outlines nine segments which form the building blocks for the business model in a nice one-page canvas. How do I view my Microsoft Office 365 files in Canvas as an instructor? How do I adjust events and due dates in a course import? How do I edit an event or assignment in the Calendar? How do I embed images from Canvas into the New Rich Content Editor as an instructor? How do I view grades in the Dashboard as an instructor? How do I use peer review discussions in a course? How do I edit the Syllabus description in a course? How do I allow students to edit and delete their own discussion posts in a course? How do I enable a grading scheme for a course? How do I create a File Upload quiz question? How do I insert a table using the Rich Content Editor? How do I remove an enrollment from a course section? How do I regrade a Multiple Choice quiz question? How do I add captions to an external video as an instructor? How do I create a group discussion in a course? How do I preview a file as an instructor? How do I create outcome groups for a course? How do I view a student's Grades page in a course? You will copy, paste and replace Code (c) into the content header within the HTML editor which is the yellow highlight in the image above. How do I link to a YouTube video in the Rich Content Editor? How do I create a folder in Files as an instructor? How do I change a course name and course code? How do I resend student invitations to a course? How can I create a quiz where students only see one question at a time? How do I create a conference in a course? How do I view average course grade analytics in an interactive chart graph in New Analytics? How do I copy a Canvas course into a new course shell? How do I send a message to a user in a group in Inbox as an instructor? How do I edit an item bank item in New Quizzes? How do I add an assignment from the Calendar? How do I restore a concluded enrollment in a course? What types of content licenses are available in Commons? How do I run Roll Call Attendance reports in a course? So you will see this in the code and in the following images. How do I enter and edit grades in the Gradebook? How do I publish or unpublish an assignment as an instructor? How do I add course content as module items? How do I share a document, image, video, or audio file to Commons? How do I import assignment groups from PowerSchool? How do I view the outcomes results report for an individual student in a course? What types of sharing options are available in Commons? How do I view plagiarism assignments in SpeedGrader? How do I create a Multiple Answers quiz question? Make data beautiful—and easy to digest. How do I add Table of Contents in Canvas?