This species was formerly called the Common Moorhen and is closely related to moorhen species in the Old World. As common in rails, there has been a marked tendency to evolve flightlessness in island populations. The Gough moorhen on the other hand is considered almost flightless; it can only flutter some metres. Find This Bird. The juvenile is dark brown and pale below, with an olive bill and without the prominent shield (below). The common moorhen is more closely related to cranes and rails than to ducks or chickens, even though they swim like ducks and peck for seeds like chickens. Pairs nest solitarily usually on top of thick mats of aquatic plants but may also nest in trees, shrubs, or on the ground in dense vegetation. Underneath the tail (undertail coverts) are white and there is a white line along the flank. BABY CARRYING. More ID Info. Сommon moorhens are monogamous and territorial. The Common Moorhen or Common Gallinule (Gallinula chloropus) is a bird in the Rail family with an almost worldwide distribution. (Common) Moorhen. Their nest is a wide shallow cup made with dead vegetation and lined with grass and leaves. The Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) is a bird of wetlands. The species is not found in the polar regions, or many tropical rainforests. They form pair-bonds that may last for several years. Playamart - Zeebra Designs October 25, 2020 at 10:14 pm. It lives around well-vegetated marshes, ponds, canals, etc. Moorhens are distinctive birds found around the world. × The Moorhen appears mostly black, but a closer look reveals blackish-brown upperparts and grey-black below. Those that migrate do so at night. BABY NAME. It squawks and whinnies from thick cover in marshes and ponds from Canada to Chile, peeking in and out of vegetation. chick. Both sexes: Black with a white tail and red bill and forehead. The Common Gallinule is most likely to make its presence known vocally first, but don't worry, this rail is easier to see than most. About a month ago I witnessed ‘three generations’ of Purple Gallinules mob one small ‘Common Gallinule’ (just like your Moorhen) — the little black baby broke away three times but eventually a juvenile caught it for the final time. 8 eggs. Allan Teo recently spent over three hours in a rice field in Malaysia observing a family of Common Moorhens. The bill and frontal shield (forehead) is red, the bill having a yellow tip. The Common Gallinule swims like a duck and walks atop floating vegetation like a rail with its long and slender toes. The common moorhen in particular migrates up to 2,000 km from some of its breeding areas in the colder parts of Siberia. It is easily recognised from its red bill and prominent shield against a blackish plumage (above). This boldly marked rail has a brilliant red shield over the bill and a white racing stripe down its side. Range map provided by Birds of the World Explore Maps.