for integrated management of insect pests and diseases in snap bean production. Aphids Aphids Hosts: pepper, cabbage, spinach, cantaloupe, muskmelon, celery, lettuce, turnip, cucumber, peas, beans, tomato and potato Damage Refer to Extension publications ID-36 (commercial growers) or ID-128 To prevent a major infestation it is important to harvest the beans as soon as they reach maturity. Broad bean, Vicia faba, is a leguminous plant in the family Fabaceae primarily grown for its edible beans.Broad bean is a an annual vetch reaching between 0.5–1.8 m (1.6–6 ft) tall. diseases. The principals and practices of integrated pest management will become more important in the future. This study assessed pests and disease management in the Ekondo Titi municipality. development and spread of horticultural pests and to the history of measures formulated for their control. • Rotate beans to non-legume crops leaving 2 to 3 years between bean crops. This guide will be useful for disease diagnosis. » Brown spot, common blight, and halo blight are important bacterial diseases of beans. Soybean Diseases 9 10 Soybean pod damage (bottom left), and internal stem discoloration (top right). This would reduce chemical residues and therefore enable the local growers of snap beans access the more lucrative export markets. There are often multiple stems originating from the base of the plant and the compound leaves are often broad, oval shaped, and come groups of 6 leaflets to a stem. » The use of certified, disease free seed and resistant varieties are the most effective means of control. • Do not work in bean plantings when plants are wet. Several insect pests including bean flies, aphids, thrips, leafhopper, whitefly, leaf beetles, pod borers, pod bugs and bruchid beetles cause significant damage to food . It was found out that, various types of pests and diseases attack cocoa production, and these pests and disease infestation have many effects on the farmer, on the health of the crop, impacts • Spray bean plants at the first sign of disease with a fixed copper bactericide. vi legumes in the field or in storage. The bean bruchid is a major post-harvest pest of most bean species. » These diseases attack leaves and pods and are favored by periods of wet weather. Damage by insect pests, inter alia, is considered the limiting factor of bean production in Africa. Pests vary widely too, from insects to mammals. Marked progress has been made in the control of diseases of such crops as asparagus, cab- bage, beans, tomatoes, potatoes, peas, lettuce, celery, and spinach through the breeding and selection of disease-resistant strains and varieties. The infestation begins in the field, but becomes a major problem after harvest, when the holes left in the beans reduce the value of the crop. A multi-staged sampling technique was used to carry out this research. Click here to download a PDF version of this spotlight. Beans can fall victim to several different pests and diseases, and since there are many different varieties of beans, different pests and diseases can affect different types of beans. Integrated pest management takes time, planning and patience for it to be a successful. Key words: Fungal antagonists, maximum residue limits, plant extracts, rejections, Snap beans . Pests: Bean weevil is a pest that can cause damage to spring beans, but only if a high amount of the pests … For instance, up to 80% yield losses have been reported in various vegetable and nematodes, phytoplasms, and viruses. Management or control of a disease or pest problem often relies on the proper diagnosis.

beans pests and diseases pdf

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