By Anonymous | August 1, 2009. The 20-week screening scan is carried out in the same way as the 12-week scan. It’s been about 24 hours since my ultrasound yesterday. After she had taken all the measurements, the sonographer told us that she was concerned with the length of the baby's limbs in relation to the head. That is the first question a coworker asked my husband when he returned to work following our 20-week anatomy scan. @Lfabz, Unfortunately, it's totally possible for things to go wrong after 20 weeks. I was wondering if anyone has been is this situation and can give me a glimmer of hope. typed in 20 week scan in google, clicked on first page and this is a paragraph from the baby centre about 20 weeks scans. It's just that the 20 week is specifically the anomaly scan, so if there was to be any bad news it's usually discovered here. The chances are tiny; try not to worry. hi there, my 20 wk scan is 2 days before yours and I'm building up for a good old fret about it! It’s a mum-to-be milestone, so get clued up on what actually happens at your 20-week scan. Hi everyone, I am new to the site and I am just looking for some support really. I have heard it called both. TheBabyFacedAssassin Sat 15-Feb-14 08:02:00. Our 20-Week Ultrasound Revealed That My Son Doesn’t Have A Fully-Formed Hand. Bad news isn’t always the end of the road. At this stage the baby is able to curl up or stretch out which can alter the due date a bit. He then went on to say that he couldn't tell from the scan the sonographer had done but there's a chance it could be the fatal form where the chest is too small for the lungs to work, so the baby can survive in utero but once born is not compatible with life. None of us can guarantee everything will be 100%. I thought it was bad enough being told we had a 1 in 85 chance of Downs at the 20 week scan (mostly based on my age I think), but actually being told that your baby would need to undergo heart surgery in utero – blimey I can imagine how terrifying that news must be. Totally unexpected!!! "Seeing your baby on a screen is a wonderful event. Hi All, New to this site and forum so apologies in advance if this is wrongly placed etc, but would really appreciate any help and advice from anyone who has found themselves in a similar situation. The scan checks the physical development of your baby, although it cannot pick up every condition. Devastating. OK, real talk. !WRITE TO US!!!P.O. Hia I had my 20 week scan today, well im 19 weeks 5 days. We look at what a sonographer will check for at 20 weeks. Hi everyone,I’m 11 weeks 5 days today, 8/4/20. Doc told me it isn't looking good and our baby has one or the other based on the ultrasound results. Seriously. Before every scan I get ridiculously frightened that this is the scan they're going to say it's all gone wrong. I wasn't so worried til I read a thread yesterday where someone mentioned they found out about a heart defect at 20 weeks and had to terminate. It can be amazing to see how your baby is growing and developing, and many parents eagerly look forward to this scan. I had my 12 week scan for ds and trisomy. I delivered her at 21 weeks. We thought all was well when we left as nothing was said during the scan. It's not all bad news, the doctor would have been clear if he thought it was a major problem. Perfectly healthy babies die in the womb due to many problems such as placental problems and also just things like umbilical problems. Babies grow at a pretty consistent rate for all women during this window. 17 weeks. Went for 12 Week scan but no baby : (. Hi everybody, I had really bad news yesterday at my 12 week scan and couldn’t bring myself to post but I need some support now I think. If you want to discuss any of that I am absolutely available, just pm me. Have 2 boys already & was really excited about this baby. But, 15-25% of known pregnancies will also end in miscarriage, and 80% of those will happen in the first trimester. If I have another pregnancy, I swear, i'm strongly considering not doing the 20 week scan. It produces a 2D black and white image that gives a side view of the baby. I have found it helpful though to connect and listen to other women's stories or advice. : Hi guys, I've never actually been apart of a group forum before, so this will be my first ever post. It tends to be referred to as your 20-week scan, but can actually happen from then up until about 22 weeks, so don’t worry if yours is booked in for a bit later. The exact cause of placenta previa is unknown. Early dating scans. If we could, there'd be no need for scans. I had low papp-a I had my daughter at 34wk 4lb 11oz she was in SCBU for 13 days and is a perfectly healthy 5 year old who is ahead of most milestones. I had my first appointment with my new OB when I was exactly 10 weeks. False-positive diagnoses at the early scan and at the 20-week scan occurred in 0.1% and 0.6% of cases, respectively, whereas ultrasound markers were detected in 1.4% and 3.0% of cases, respectively. HEY GUYS!!! Found out I was pregnant on 19th july....had told our family & close friends & had to tell my work due to work I do. 8/18/2010 at 7:56 PM. Many had not fully realised what the scan was for and were not expecting to hear this news. Posted 19/8/09. The chances … Bad news at our 20 week scan. My son is 3 and at my 12 week scan had a 1 in 20 chance of downs according to my result he was 4 week early and 6lb 8 . In March it will be nine years since Lily flew to Heaven. Worried about an increased nuchal translucency thickness. [POTENTIAL TRIGGER] Bad news at 20 week scan. Try to relax Hun I had the same anxiety and still have it every day, my 20 week scan was last week and all was fine. The chances are less than 1 percent so as much as you can try not to worry and just enjoy. The scan is amazing, the things they see and show you are incredible! Now they can see it at 20 weeks but they still don't DO anything in most cases until the baby's a few months old (if they do anything at all). No, it's not as great as a clean bill of health but SOME of the problems they detect at the 20 week scan aren't things you can expend any useful energy on until after the birth anyway. A pregnancy ultrasound scan. Jun 20, 2016 at 1:27 PM. It happens but it's more rare for it to occur. Posted 3/29/11. 20 week scan came, everything still looked good so they said there was no further concern. As its mild there is a 10% chance that the baby could have chromosome abnormality which could be any thing from slight learning disorder to sight, speech or hearing problems, downs sydrome and there are a couple of chromosomes that would mean the baby would not be able to survive (altho these 2 are unlikely as so far baby is growing as he should) but most importantly there is a 90% chance … I went along worrying, as you do about a MMC or something like that but I was also very excited about the prospect of getting the all clear and telling people about my baby. I came back from my 12 week scan yesterday (I am currently 11w +4d) and the sonographer told me that on the NT the thickness was 3.4mm so therefore high. During that visit they did a trasvaginal ultrasound and doc said baby’s head and abdomen appeared swollen with fluid around it. It was not good news for sure. She told me it should be between 1-2. Aw this really brought tears to my eyes Louise. If anything could be worse than a scan at the EPU (no matter how good, and kind they are), its the devastation of getting the news at an official 12/13 week scan. comments (11) / 2. zoe80. Last tuesday I went for my 20 week scan and no heartbeat was found. The main purpose of a dating scan is to check the stage of pregnancy and therefore when the baby is due. When Lyndon later shared this, I actually laughed, given the irony of the situation. 12 week scan abnormal. 2/6/2013 at 8:01 PM. I really wanted to share what happened at our 20 week anatomy scan or 20 week anomaly scan. I recently had my 20 week scan. I needed a bit more reassurance than that; at a cost of almost £2,000 over seven months. “Ten fingers, ten toes?”. The image, right, shows a baby's face and hands at 20 weeks, and gives you an idea of what you will be able to see at this scan. Hi Hun, Have no idea on odds however, even at the scan they cant tell all abnormalities etc so does that mean you shouldnt buy untill baby is here? It's just that the 20 week is specifically the anomaly scan, so if there was to be any bad news it's usually discovered here. I had another scan at 16 weeks to check the heart mainly but all organs, all looked fine but they said because the baby is still so small at that stage, they would be able to get a better look at 20 weeks. My 20-week scan caught some kidney abnormalities. 12/9/2017 at 9:57 AM. 18-20 week antenatal scan (being told something may be wrong) For some people the 18-20 week, mid-pregnancy scan or anomaly scan is the point at which they discover their baby may have a health condition. I had my 12 week scan recently where currently 12 + 6. The chances are tiny; try not to worry. The bad news, which I got soon after, was that progesterone cream DA: 15 PA: 50 MOZ Rank: 76. I had cvs and confirmed healthy biy at 13 weeks. We had the 20 week scan yesterday and got some devastating news. The 18-20 week antenatal scan and further tests. Sadly, some women will get bad news at their 20 weeks scan, such as pp's friend, some won't but will get complications quite late into their pregnancies. The NHS provides one at 12 and again at 20 weeks pregnant. … Does anyone know what the odds of anything bad being idenitified at the 20 week scan? Original poster's comments (1) 0. comment. As pregnancy events go, your anomaly scan is up there with one of the biggest in your antenatal care timetable. There is always the chance. Those are some pretty big numbers, meaning that after a positive pregnancy test, as many as 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage. It is heartbreaking getting bad news at a scan (we got a lethal diagnosis at dd2s 21 week scan) however, it is amazing what they can do with hearts once the baby is born. Also, whether at 20 weeks or 40, or a little after, the loss is crushing, and having the precious baby is a painful privilege. A scan at 6 weeks showed a good sized baby i am currently 7 weeks pregnant and i … !Here's what happened at our 20 week anatomy scan. The 18 -20 week fetal anomaly scan is a watershed in most pregnancies because for the majority of women it will be the last time they are scanned before giving birth. Thankyou x. Well, the good news is it looks like there are no other soft markers for a trisomy or anything. Every question I asked her reply was "the Radiologist would prepare a report and your Dr will discuss it with you!" We had our 20 week anatomy scan. unfortunately the 20 week anomaly scan can pick up serious issues, hearing heart beats at midwife appointment doesn't let us know what's going on inside the body in detail. Spare others that pain Anonymous. I had my anatomy scan last week and although the tech showed the screen a few times she didn't answer any questions I had. Of the 12 cases of heart defects, four (33.3%) were detected at the early scan, five (41.7%) at the 20-week scan and three (25.0%) after birth. The NHS screening programme does not use 3D or colour images. Hello, This is my first time posting on a forum but I could really do with some advice. A quarter of all miscarriages happen before a period is even missed, and often the woman never knows. Today, the first step is a "multiparametric" MRI scan which might be followed by a biopsy if the MRI shows anything that needs checking. They ran some more tests, we came back for another u/s, and had another u/s in the hospital after she was born, which came back abnormal. We are sold a … Measuring the baby can be more accurate than dating by the last menstrual period. Your 20 week scan is an exciting opportunity to see how your baby is growing. The process of your 20-week scan will be much the same as the scan you had at 12 weeks. After my 8 week scan when things looked bleak I did a lot of research and found hundreds of stories where people had a scan at 8 weeks that was way behind their dates or where they couldn't see a heartbeat that went on to be healthy pregnancies. When the 12 week scan is offered the accuracy then is within +/- 5 days. All was ok at first, baby was facing normal way, and told me the sex which is a boy straight away they was checking everything n all looked fine, but then baby moved face down and curled up near end when trying check the back and spine etc, so asked me to drink more water and go for a walk but didnt help so they have rebooked … All women will be offered a dating scan, and an 18- 20 week mid-pregnancy or fetal anomaly ultrasound scan. I got bad news at the 20 week scan and it was quite serious (baby was healthy but umbilical cord wasn’t so had 5% chance of surviving labour) but with very specialised care he was fine. It can be such a shock so do whatever you need to feel better. After 13 weeks, the scans can be off up to 2 weeks. Ajay got someone to relieve him at the hospital so he could join me… he wasn’t able to attend our last big scan at 12 weeks, and I really wanted him to be able to experience all the little movements and hiccups and dances that the twins have been doing for a while … So, to answer your question, a high PSA isn't necessarily bad news. We had to make an appointment to go to Children's later, but in the mean time we were given another u/s when she was about a week old. Discussion in ' Gestational Complications ' started by needshelp, Apr 8, 2013 . The advantage of this is that it can avoid the biopsy if the MRI looks ok, but also can inidicate the best place to take a biopsy sample.

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